Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia el uso de los recursos web 2.0 en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2014)
El aprendizaje es un proceso complejo que requiere desplegar todos los recursos al alcance hacia formar estudiantes competentes para afrontar las demandas del mundo actual. La tecnología es una herramienta que puede ...
Causes of failure of CAE as a graduation requirement examination: a case study.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2013)
Regarding the policies, a situational-driven and precipitated selection of the CAE as final examination in the ELM, and an absence of curricular adjustments or plans to achieve such level, were almost immediately reflected ...
Cross linguistic influence from english to french in written productions of french students at the University of Quintana Roo.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2013)
This investigation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.
Affective factors in the efl classroom.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2008)
This study aimed at exploring the relationship between some selected affective factors and the oral proficiency as well as the English academic achievement of the EFL learners in Mexico.
Perfil profesional de los profesores asignados al Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica en Quintana Roo.
(Universidad De Quintana Roo, 2012)
La ultima mitad del siglo XX representó una época de cambios significativos en el panorama internacional. La revolución tecnológica superó cualquier expectativa y su impacto ha sido cada vez mas significativo en la vida ...
English-Spanish translation of the article heritage site management: motivations and expectations, an analysis of some translation techniques.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2012)
The importance of learning English has been increasing due to the fact that it is considered in different countries as a means of communication. However, Ieaming a new language is not very easy for everyone. For that reason. ...
English Language Student´s Research Self- Efficacy.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2016)
The aim of this study is to measure UQRoo English language (EL) students' research self-efficacy, and to investigate the relation between this construct and the sources of self-efficacy and seniority.
Alfabetización tecnológica, acceso y uso de internet en estudiantes universitarios de inglés.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2008)
Desde años atrás, organismos relacionados con la educación han establecido políticas buscando la incorporación de las tecnologías a los sistemas educativos (OCDE, 1994; UNESCO, 1998; SEP, 2006). Sin embargo, poco se ha ...
Oral participation of university students in the EFL classroom: a motivation study (Language Proficiency).
(Universidad De Quintana Roo, 2011)
When learning a language in an academic context four basic skills have to be mastered: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Language learning strategies used by english language students at the university of Quinatana Roo, Cozumel Campus.
(Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2008)
This study describes the Language Learning Strategies used by English Language students. It was also conducted to examine the relationship between strategy use and certain factors such as gender and proficiency level. A ...