A spanish english glossary of the names for some typical dishes from the Yucatán peninsula.
This monographic work presents three hundred words arranged in a glossary. As a complement, a list of the same three hundred dishes with their respective ingredients is added and a comparison is made of the ways these dishes are prepared in Chetumal and Mérida. The purpose of the glossary is to help not only English-Spanish and Spanish-English transla1ors but also speakers and teachers of both of these languages know how to recognize and re ter to so me common dishes typicaf of the Yucatán Península.
Most of the time, translators tace considerable difficulty when translating even common regional dishes on a restaurant menu; this is so because in sorne regions the same dish may be known by a dífferent name or the dish may hove different ingredients from those used in other parls of !he country.
- Licenciatura [2733]