Actualización del mapa de suelos del Estado de Yucatán México: enfoque geomorfopedológico y WRB.

Bautista, Francisco
Frausto Martinez, Oscar
Ihl, Thomas
Aguilar Duarte, Yameli Guadalupe
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El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar las relaciones entre los ambientes geomorfológicos, geoformas y suelos del estado de Yucatán. Se elaboró un modelo digital de elevación, utilizando 58 mapas topográficos digitales a escala 1:50 000, un mapa altimétrico con curvas de nivel de 10 m, y 401 perfiles de suelo. Se identificaron los elementos del relieve al interior de las geoformas con imágenes de satélite (SPOT y LANDSAT). El mapa geomorfopedológico del estado de Yucatán se generó con base en la cartográfica geomorfológica a escala 1:50 000. Se identicaron cinco ambientes geomorfológicos: marino litoral, palustre, pseudopalustre, kárstico y tecto-kárstico. En cada uno de ellos se identicaron las geoformas (planicies y lomeríos) y suelos. El enfoque geomorfopedológico permitió la identicación y descripción de los paisajes geomorfológicos costeros y las planicies pseudopalustres The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between the geomorphic environments, landforms and the soils in the Yucatan State. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was elaborated by using 58 digital topographic maps at scale 1:50000. Then, an altimetric map with 10 meter level contours was made. The components of the relief in the landforms were identified by using satellite imagery (SPOT and LANDSAT). Information from 401 soil profiles was consulted. The geomorphic and pedological map of Yucatan was generated by mapping the geomorphology at scale 1:100000 as the cartographic base, using the soils as a legend. Then, five geomorphic environments were identified: 1) Litoral; 2) Palustral; 3) Pseudo-palustral; 4) Karstic; and 5) Tectonic-karstic. In each of the environments, there were identified the landforms (plains and low hills) and the soils. The geomorphic and pedological approach allowed the identification and description of the coastal geomorphic landscapes and the pseudo-palustral plains, which had not been described before. In the karst environment, at a higher altitude and more humidity, the limestone dissolution caused depressions in soils deeper than the Leptosols.
- Artículos [195]