A new tool for intelligent parallel processing of radar/SAR remotely sensed imagery.

Castillo Atoche, Alejandro Arturo
Carrasco Alvarez, Roberto
Ortegon Aguilar, Jaime Silverio
Vazquez Castillo, Javier
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A novel parallel tool for large-scale image enhancement/reconstruction and postprocessing of radar/SAR sensor systems is addressed.The proposed parallel tool performs the following intelligent processing steps: image formation, for the application of different system-level effects of image degradation with a particular remote sensing (RS) system and simulation of random noising effects, enhancement/reconstruction by employing nonparametric robust high-resolution techniques, and image postprocessing using the fuzzy anisotropic diffusion techniquewhich incorporates a better edge-preserving noise removal effect and faster difusión process. This innovative tool allows the processing of high-resolution images provided with different radar/SAR sensor systems as required by RS endusers for environmental monitoring, risk prevention, and resource management. To verify the performance implementation of the proposed parallel framework, the processing steps are developed and specifically tested on graphic processing units (GPU), achieving considerable speedups compared to the serial version of the same techniques implemented in C language.
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