Spanish-english-maya-latin glossary of the most commonly used medicinal herbs of the mayan world.
Maya people have been marginalized which has made thcm look lor new oppot1unities far away from their lands. They have hnd to lcave their fami lies to find a better life by adapting thcmselves to a new lite almost always by >vvork ing in the tourist section. Which often includes changing their mothcr rongue.
The rest of the non natíve people have not done anything to changt: lhis problern. On the contrary, people used them for work without raking into account that every Maya has a rich knowledge which we consider not usable. For example. one topic that not many people are in volved in is the use of medicinal herbs.
Por that reason this research is based on the mosl cornmon herbs Mayans used to relieve sickness. The namc in Maya is added because these herbs were firs tly known in Maya and thcn were translated into our language. The inclusion of the Mayan language is a homage to all people who ha ve suffered in their lile from being rejected and for all those who are being forgorten in this new century. Also, it is a way ofreviving a language spoken since a long time ago. and this work reminds us that Maya is a language to be proud of.
- Licenciatura [2723]