Propuesta de los programas de estudios del componente de inglés en la especialidad de turismo para su aplicación en el bachillerato técnico CECYTEQROO.
As we enter a new millennium, the ability and the need to understand and communicatewith each other has become increasingly important, at times even urgent. An intemational exchange of ideas - from environmental issues such as the thinning ozone layer and the warming of the planet, to medical tapies such as genetic engineering, to poli ti cal crises - is essential.
To meet these communication needs, more and more individuals have highly specific academic and professional reasons for seeking to improve their language skills: for thesestudents, usually adults, courses that fall under the heading English for Specific Purposes (ESP) hold particular appeal. ESP programs focus on developing communicative competence in a specific field, such as aviation, business or technology. Sorne courses prepare students for various academic programs: English for Science and Technology, and Pre-MBA English. Others prepare students for work in fields such as law, medicine, engineering, graphic design or tourism.
In Quintana Roo, the need of having ESP courses focus on Tourism is a fact. For that reason, designing well-structured syllabuses and courses is very important. Since administrators and students in "preparatorias tecnicas" in Chetumal, Quintana Roo are not familiar with ESP and syllabus design, it is necessary to create new paths in the curricular innovation.
- Licenciatura [2650]