Translation from english into spanish of: "Sections 6 and 7 fron The Garrison Institute report-comtemplation in education" and analysis of some translation techniques.
The present work focuses on the translation process and problems encountered to achieve an accurate Spanish version of the text “Contemplation and Education. A Survey of Programs using Contemplative Techniques in K-12 Educational Setting: A Mapping Report” (sections 6 and 7). Some techniques to do the translation, examples of them, as well as general information about the topic and the importance it has in the education field will be presented. As it is essential that a person who wants to translate knows the steps to do any translation task and also what kind of dictionaries to use, these crucial things will be stated in this work as well.
The monograph study is based on a translation of two sections of a survey made by the Garrison Institute (a non-profit, nonsectarian organization that explores the intersection of contemplation and engaged action in the world) centered on Contemplative Education. It is said that contemplative education emerged and developed in the United States in the early 1970’s and have steadily gained popularity in education from elementary school to the university level, as well as in medical schools.( It is relevant to mention that the researcher-translator has always had a great interest in developing a translation work to study the methods, techniques, and strategies employed to solve difficult situations when translating. The importance of this is that any people interested in this field of work will find illustrations about problems faced in the course of this project and the solutions adopted; as well as the opportunity to learn about the use of contemplation in education, which is proving to be effective in the Development of the Whole Person.
- Licenciatura [2733]