Learning Materials for Introductory English Level at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo

Briceño Martinez, Geovany Elias
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This monograph addresses the problem of the lack of teachers' time to attend individual students’ needs, since doing so would make it impossible to stick to the entire course program. On the other hand, there is a need for students to develop their competencies. Thus, the main objective of this work was to create learning materials for developing university students' generic, linguistic, and autonomous learning competencies in introductory English.
The theoretical framework was based on autonomous learning and scaffolding theories. Key references included studies on learner autonomy by Holec (1981), Vygotsky’s (1978), on social development theories, and about educational scaffolding techniques discussed by Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976). These theories were the basis for designing materials aimed at fostering student autonomy and independent learning.
The methodology involved a detailed description of the Institutional and Curricular Framework of the Introductory English Program at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo. This description provided a foundation for aligning the learning materials with the objectives and content of the course. Additionally, various autonomous learning scenarios were created by using digital platforms such as Educaplay, Wordwall, Wix, Powtoon, among others, incorporating multimedia to engage students dynamically.
As a result, a specific number of learning materials were designed on a theoretical and technological basis, which reflected a modern pedagogical approach, promoting student autonomy and effective interaction in an autonomous learning environment.
- Licenciatura [2733]