A colletion of strategies for improving reading.
The learning of a foreign la nguage is basically composed of the mastery of four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
"Word knowledge involves a range of skills and word learning, which is facilitated by approaches that provide varied experiences (i.e. with reading, writing, speaking, and listening)." 1
These four skills are very important for the success of the E. F. L. (English as a Foreign Language) learner; for this reason E. F. L. instructors want their learners to become proficient in these skills. All the skills previously mentioned are basic for the learner to succeed in, but in this research, the skill of reading will be emphasized since it is essential for the E. F. L. learner to develop. Moreover, there are some views that reflect the importance of teaching reading by E. F. L. instructors.
- Licenciatura [2712]