The use of translation techniques in the text communication and language.
The results of this translation will be of great use for students and teachers from the Anthropology department where Professor Guillermo Velásquez Ramirez provided the article to be translated. He mentioned that the text ”Communication and Language” Chapter Nom. 4 from the book “Cultural Anthropology” and the authors Carol R. Ember Y Melvin Ember is part of the bibliography used in the subject ” Antropología General” from the Anthropology career. This translation will thus provide them with a tool in Spanish which will help them to obtain suitable knowledge about the text. I believe this topic is relevant especially when there has not been a previous translation of this text. Moreover, this monographic work will be useful for those students who are taking translation courses so in this way students can have a better idea of the steps required for a translation. In addition, this translation can be useful for teachers because they can use it as a kind of guide in the classroom to illustrate examples or create exercises based on the analysis of the article.
- Licenciatura [2663]